Polskie Towarzystwo Nefrologi Dziecięcej

Upowszechniamy wiedzy o chorobach nerek u dzieci i młodzieży i sposobach leczenia, podnosimy kwalifikacje i poziom naukowy lekarzy, dbamy o przestrzeganie zasad deontologii lekarskiej, reprezentujemy nefrologię dziecięcą i pokrewne dziedziny, popularyzujemy ich osiągnięcia na forum krajowym i zagranicznym, organizujemy współpracę pomiędzy ośrodkami krajowymi i zagranicznymi, chronimy prawa nefrologów dziecięcych oraz zrzeszonych pracowników dyscyplin pokrewnych.

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06 marca 2022 16:07

Dear friends and colleagues
IPNA members,


We are proud to announce our Third IPNA-ESPN Junior Master Classes (Third Cycle)!
This year, it will be held in hybrid format, in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 20-21 June 2022, before the 54th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology.
For this Third Class, we are planning a 2-day course. ESPN and IPNA teachers will review latest updates on Hypertension, Acute Kidney Injury, Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis and Transplantation. Additionally, an Interactive Clinico-Pathology session is being planned.
This IPNA-ESPN educational program is especially dedicated to Pediatrics residents, Pediatricians with special interest in Pediatric Nephrology, fellows in Pediatric Nephrology and young Pediatric Nephrologists. The whole program includes three meetings in three consecutive years, the full attendance will allow the achievement of the IPNA-ESPN Master.
A certificate of attendance will be distributed after this meeting.
This course attendance is free of charge, IPNA-ESPN updated membership is mandatory.
To become a new member or renew your membership, please follow this link.

For application procedure, you can send your short CV (birthday information is mandatory) to Prof. Rezan Topaloglu (rezantopaloglu@hacettepe.edu.tr) or to Dr. Ana Teixeira (anafteixeira@gmail.com).
Deadline for applications – 10 April 2022.
This is a great educational offer, do not miss it!
For more and updated information, please visit our IPNA and ESPN website.
With our best regards,
Organizing Committee
Prof. Rezan Topaloglu (ESPN President)
Prof. Elena Levtchenko (ESPN Education Committee)
Prof. Hui Kim Yap (IPNA President)
Dr. Ana Teixeira (Junior Represent for ESPN)